written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

There are people that induce  us such negative vibes … that  we might even believe … we  suffer of … depression. But you know … vibes  come and go … and we  still can’t remember that  … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

So many people write to me … making the confusion that i might be kind of a psychotherapist … or relationship guru … but in reality i am just a … thinker.

In my search for understanding the world .. i was analyzing all around myself … liking a lot to … define everything i see on the scene of life.

I started to write my thoughts … from the need of organizing all i was thinking … and make the conclusions be more clear … especially for me.

But it was nice cause people were writing me … even if they made this confusion regarding myself … 

I had more chances to understand relationships and love stories … and in fact the souls of the humans.


I somehow believe that life it’s a lot related with … the presence of the humans in here.

Yesterday … for example … Diana wrote me. 

She’s from Serbia … living in Belgrade … married by many, many years … but with a man that she believes … is not ok for her.

Even if … Diana is a very intelligent woman … she could not realize in those years if … in fact she’s depressive … or the presence of her husband induces her those weird feelings of depression.

Every time she was seeing him … her vibe became so bad … that she somehow believed she is dominated by negativity … only and only because of him.

But she was probably not 100% … and that was the reason she wrote me.

Maybe the depression itself … meant a non ending feeling … and she actually was balancing between having a normal vibe … as all the other humans … and depression.

More i was talking to my serbian friend … more i was feeling that she expects from me … to reveal her a secret that she is not capable of finding out … by herself.

I was meditating on all what Diana … had told me … and on the other hand i knew that many, many couples … from all around the world … are living exactly the same scenario … but ….

So … what was the real truth?!

Why people … living together … being together as couple … induce themselves so negative vibes?!

Is Diana’s husband really responsible for that?!

Was the guy a real asshole?!


Or … i ask myself …. what if the connection itself between the 2 of them … is the one responsible for that.

I started to believe that …. in fact … Diana was not a depressive person … cause she had many moments when she was also feeling ok … but the destroyed connection with her life partner … had a tremendous negative impact for her.

And still?!

What was the solution?!

What could i say to my friend?!

What could i say to all the people having this experience …. Diana had?!

Well … i simple smiled … and said … nothing.

Most probably … the only real solution … was to completely cut the connection with the husband.

I could say that to Diana … but maybe she was not ready to hear me.

She was totally convinced that her husband was the Devil itself … and the meaning of having him around was to … make her life miserable.

The depression itself … was a positive thing … but she could not accept that.

The meaning of negative vibes that she felt so, so often …. when she was around her life partner …. were carrying a very powerful message.

But … maybe Diana could not understand the real meaning … that the depression itself was the gateway to the real happiness.

All she had to do … was so, so simple …

… just cut the connection.


And probably stop blaming her husband … as being the …. Devil. 


Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happiness” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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